Climber Crush Wednesday featuring Irena Ilic @scarletbegoniasss

Happy Climber Crush Wednesday! Today we are featuring Irena aka @scarletbegomiasss! She’s a climber, adventurer, and surfer who loves her plant babies! Check out Irena’s interview below.

Photo credits to: @alexaristei, @jackietrejo_, @thepowerspot, @harrisonvoorhees


1. Hi, Irena! Thank you for being our climber crush feature. What would you like for the community to know about you?

My name is actually Irena, not Scarlet as many people think. The name comes from a song by the Grateful Dead. I’ve been climbing for about 5 years and I’m also a total weirdo. 

2. What is your climbing style like? 

I love what most people hate. Slabs/vert, crystals for feet, crimps, and stemming are a few of my favorite things. But I’m trying my best to branch out. 


3. You make hilarious videos and skits. How do you find the inspiration?

Thank you! I’ll just be going about my climbing life and random ideas will pop into my head and I’ll just go for it. I feel like climbing can be taken too seriously sometimes. We all like to try hard and get serious, but at the end of the day you have to remember that you like climbing because it is fun. So my shenanigans videos are just a reminder to keep it lighthearted :)

4. Do you have video projects currently in the works?

Usually I kind of just make them as I go but @annahazlenutt and I might be doing something soon ;) stay tuned.

5. You made your own climbing wall. How was the process? What were some lessons about building your own climbing wall?

Yes!  I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but never had time to actually go for it. It was definitely challenging to create since Ive never done anything like it before. I’m more of a “wing it” kind of gal and decided to just try and fail my way through it. Luckily I have a few setter friends that I was able to call for help. A few good lessons are: have patience. Go taller if you can. Drill your holes for your tnuts from the front, and have fun! 

6. What did you miss most about outdoor climbing?

Petting cute crag dogs. Other than that hugging my friends, feeling sore after a day full of hiking and trying hard, psyche, lots of psyche, and nature.

7. With shelter-in-place measures relaxing for outdoor activites in California, what is the climbing situation like in SoCal right now?

Some climbing areas have opened up for recreational use, some are still closed (miss you tramway😭). I personally would still recommend staying away from small climbing communities with indigenous people that have limited resources. 

8. What do you suggest we as climbers should do to make sure we’re safe and responsible?

There is plenty that we can do to climb safely and responsibly if we choose to participate. Climb with people in your household or small consistent groups that are also acting responsible. Wear a mask. Sanitize your hands! (It’ll make them drier and you’ll send better 😂), if you go outdoors make sure to bring your own supplies instead of going it to town and pack everything out!!

9. Any words of wisdom to share with the climbing community?

Get out of your comfort zone! You won’t grow or learn from staying there. Try a different style of climbing or a new friend group that will make you try a new place or new area. 
